I have to start this sermon with a confession. I love P.W.P. television
shows. Anyone know what these are? Well I will fill you in. P.W.P. stands for
people with problems. You may have seen these kinds of shows before. They
usually follow some person around for a given period of time and showcase their
particular issue. It can be anything from drugs to hoarding food or junk to eating
laundry detergent. But what is most fascinating about these shows to me is not
the actual problem. What’s
fascinating is the revelatory moment. This is the moment when the main person
discovers that he or she is in need of help. In that moment their perspective shifts
and a new life becomes possible. When it works they are able to put their old
ways behind them and move into a new future of change and happiness.
In a revelatory moment, one’s eyes are flown wide open. People become
like the blind man that Jesus healed. The scales that were once there blocking
the vision of the truth fall away. There are many stories like this in the
Bible. Though they might not have a strange addiction or crazy obsession, they
do have revelatory moments that change their lives forever. Think of how Moses
must have felt when God appeared to him in the burning bush. He could not just
walk away from that and pretend it did not happen. From then on his life was
forever changed.
Yes there are many of these stories of revelatory moments in the Bible
and I would venture to guess that we could each come up with one in our own
lives. However, historically there is none that is so powerful and formative
for us as Christians as the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. And as
powerful as it is for us, imagine how it must have been to those who walked and
talked with Jesus. Their simple lives became overwhelmed with the formative
power of this man and his teachings. Talk about a revelatory moment. Nothing
after would ever be the same. They were living in a new time. A new
consciousness. They were living in rapid change with a message to help steer it.
Starting to sound familiar yet? Are we not also in a rapidly changing
environment with a message to help shape it?
So they have their revelatory moment. They have witnessed the love that
could not be buried, and they have been tasked to spread it out into the world.
The question that remains before them is “How?” This brings us to our scripture
today. Acts 4:32-35...
But...Before we delve into this, it is important to see the context. Previous
to this passage, Peter and John had been arrested by the chief priests and the
elders for performing a healing. And you know it was miraculous because the
text is clear to point out the man was over 40 years old! When they were
questioned they made it clear that the healing was done in the name of Jesus.
The authorities wanted to punish them, but they couldn’t because all of the
people were so overjoyed at the miracle done on this impossibly sick man. So
they released Peter and John warning them not to speak to anyone in the name of
Jesus. Peter and John returned to their community and prayed for boldness to
continue speaking and healing in Jesus name.
I mention this context because I want to make clear that the stakes were
very high. They had been arrested. They were being threatened. And perhaps
worst of all, they did not know what the future was going to hold for them.
Loyalty, togetherness, and faith were all they had. That and a few
Now the whole group of those
who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private ownership
of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common. 33With
great power the apostles gave their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord
Jesus, and great grace was upon them all. 34There was not a
needy person among them, for as many as owned lands or houses sold them and
brought the proceeds of what was sold. 35They laid it at the
apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need.
At first this might sound like a simple lesson on sharing. After all sharing
is great. Isn’t sharing something that we try to instill in all of our kids?
Whether you are a parent, a teacher or a youth (or Logos) leader, sharing is
one of the fundamental lessons that we try to teach our children. After all,
nobody wants to raise spoiled selfish brats. Unfortunately, sometimes, we do a
better job of teaching it than we do acting it out.
Now, I am a big proponent of sharing. I love sharing. When Renee and I
go out to eat, we make sure to get something that the other person wants too so
that we can share. What’s more, I live in a community house, a house that was
so inspired by this passage that we try to live it day to day by sharing our
food, our living space, our personal lives, and our feelings. Yes even our
feelings. Once a week we get together and go around the room sharing what is
going on with us personally. We provide support for each other and
togetherness. Living in community is not always equal and it is not always
fair, but it is always shared.
So yes, I love sharing. But this passage is about more than just sharing
a sushi roll over dinner or talking about feelings. Remember lives are at stake
here. I think taking this story and trying to tell it as a tale of economic
morality takes away the deeper lessons that are implicit. By stopping at money
we are only hitting the surface level. It would be like stating that Aesop’s
Fables are just a bunch of nice stories about animals.
To find the real heart of this story, I think that we need to go back to
the revelatory experience of the apostles. Remember that they are in this new
time period. The old has passed away and they are living in the new. What was
important in the old life, freedom from occupation, gaining wealth and power,
being religiously obedient to the chief priests and elders has all become
secondary. In its place are the teachings of Jesus. The power of the
resurrection. Gaining equality. Healing the sick. Giving hope to the hopeless. Spreading a message of love and
It certainly was not easy for these early believers. They realize early
on that if they are going to do this they are going to have to rely on two very
important things: faith in God and unity with each other. And I am talking
about a kind of grand encompassing unity. The kind of unity that the psalmist
wrote about in Psalm 133. This psalm has such a beautiful message. In it the
psalmist describes unity as something that is as precious as sacred oil. It is a unity that spreads like a flood
going all the way from Mount Hermon to Zion, which, for those of you not up on
your Biblical geography is a really, really long way. This unity is blessed, it
is abundant and it is sacred. This is what the apostles were trying to achieve.
And to do that they had to give up a piece of themselves. Sure we can cite land and possessions
as what they gave up, but that is just a small indication of how the Spirit
moves them in this new life. They have seen the sacrifice that Jesus made and
seen what it takes to be committed to this new way of being. It takes giving up
a piece of themselves in order to make the greater whole strong.
It is like links in a chain. If you have a bunch of separate links
unconnected then the chain is not going to be very effective. It is only by the
links giving up a bit of themselves and creating space, that they can be
connected to one another, and once together, the chain becomes strong.
And this is where we enter the story. This is where we can see our place
in the tale. For we too are seeking a greater unity. What are you holding onto
today that is keeping you from achieving this great unity in your life? Unity
with your spouse, family, loved ones, or church? What is the space that you are
refusing to yield so that you can be a part of the chain?
Perhaps you are holding onto the need to be right. This can be a very
difficult one to let go. Being right is so great. But it is also alienating. If
you are right, and you know the kind of right I am talking about, then that
means that someone else is wrong, or at fault, or to blame. There is a marriage
therapy quote that says that you can be right or happy. Often you cannot be
both. How much could be achieved if you gave up the need to come out on top?
What kind of connection could you make if you did not have to be insistent on
being right.
Perhaps you are holding onto worry. Anyone ever worry, concern yourself
about something that has not even happened yet. Here’s a little poem for you...
A bit of worry I suppose,
Will keep you up on your toes.
But too much and you will find,
You will almost lose your mind.
Worries isolate
us. They put us in our head and keep us from trusting those around us to
support us. They can also get in the way of our relationship with God who we
believe loves and cares for us. For those of you who cannot let your worries
go, I invite you to do this little task. Carry a little book with you and any
time you are worried about something, write it in the book. At the end of the
week, look in the book and see how many of those things actually happened. I
predict that you will find that it is a very small percentage. What would
happen if you gave up some of these worries and united with those around you in
trust and support?
you are holding onto grudges. Anyone have one of these? It is a great word that
sounds like what it is: a big muddy thing that is hard to move. It can also be
a great hindrance to unity. Marriages, families, friendships and even churches
break up because people hold onto resentments that they can never get past. After
all, anger is easy. Retribution is easy. But it is not fulfilling. In
retribution there is no closure, no peace. Any reader of Batman can tell you
that. Peace can only come through forgiveness. And this may be the hardest
thing on the list. Forgiveness is difficult. But it is also liberating and not
just for the one being forgiven, but for the one doing the forgiving as well.
If the whole human race could live with the practice of forgiveness, think of
how united we could be.
today I ask you, do you feel the kind of unity that the psalmist was speaking
about all those years ago? If not, what’s holding you back? When the first
century believers posed this question, the most obvious answer was their
possessions. And we can choose to stop there. Or we can delve deeper and try to
understand what was really going on with them in this story. They were not just
giving up their stuff. They were giving up a piece of their lives. They gave of
themselves for love, for equality, and for unity. Those are the true economics
of Easter.